American Shorthair cats are gentle, moderately playful and independent but sweet-natured. This breed is considered to be hearty and generally low-maintenance. Adult males of this breed usually weigh between 7-12 pounds, while the females weigh slightly less (around 6-11 pounds). Despite their naturally athletic bodies, indoor-only American Shorthair cats require you to keep an eye on their diet and activity to avoid the adverse health effects of too sedentary a home life.
To maintain a healthy weight, make sure you are feeding your American Shorthair only vet-approved or breeder-recommended food at regular intervals and in the proper portions. This will help to ensure that your cat isn’t overeating, causing it gain extra weight that can result in potential health issues down the road.
If you are unsure or have any questions regarding the proper feeding of your American Shorthair, contact your veterinarian. With the right nutrition, you can ensure your cat’s daily intake of the appropriate vitamins, nutrients and protein which are vital for maintaining a healthy weight.
American Shorthairs as a breed can easily gain weight without a proper diet and the right amount of physical activity, and have a higher than average risk of becoming obese. Restrict treats, carefully measure out each meal, or consider using an automatic feeder that doles out the right amounts of food at regular intervals.
If your American Shorthair is experiencing significant weight loss or weight gain, contact your veterinarian immediately as both cases can be symptoms of an underlying health problem. Make sure to monitor your cat’s weight and regularly–this doesn’t necessarily require a scale, since you should be able to eyeball dramatic weight changes over time.
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